Friendly Friday Photo Challenge: Working Together

I tried finding photos that would be apt for Amanda’s prompt at the Friendly Friday Photo Challenge but my  archive could not help me out. I realized, apparently I am not the kind of person who takes pictures of people… in groups. And I am trying hard to think why!

I had given up when a random scrolling through the phone gave me an idea that , I am hoping, would convey the message of this week’s thought of community, of working together.



This is the scene that greets us every morning, noon, evening and night…when we look out of the windows or are on the balcony or go out for a stroll. The cars are all there , at all times.  People do not go out. A couple of spots here and there can be found without an occupant, perhaps running an errand that is mostly only grocery shopping now. This way, the community is working together following the orders of the governor and playing its part in trying to ‘flatten the curve’ that seems to be in no mood to do so.  It baffles me to see protests around the country here demanding a reopening of America. With posters like  Give Me Freedom Or Give Me Death, My Body My Choice and similar ‘I-could-use-many words-here-that-would-need-to-be-censored’ ideas, a handful of people are running the risk of undoing all the hardship, the sacrifices that the doctors, nurses and health care workers, along with frontline workers have been enduring  for the past few months. And I can’t stop thinking about this line “ you can’t cure stupid”. But being an eternally optimistic person, I believe in the power of good and I am hoping that  the community will stay together and we will see this storm through.



It was Earth Day last week and the little guy painted this. As we were talking about the blue water and the green land, about ecosystems, about climate, about how we all are responsible for keeping our ‘HOME’ safe, he said, just like any 5 year old would, ‘you mean how here in our home we take care of each other?’ It is a simple idea for a 5 year old where his innocence has not been destroyed yet and he believes if we all did our part we could easily take care of our ‘HOME’! I wanted to add this photo here to hold on to that hope, to that belief  that people are good and maybe their generation will know better and work together more to keep our planet safe and beautiful.


That is all that I have for the prompt…I know it is not what is expected but this was my take on it. Amanda had a very thoughtful idea and I did not want to miss out on my favorite photo challenge!

Thank you Amanda and Sandy for coming up with such wonderful ideas.

Thanks for stopping by. Stay home, Stay Safe.

9 thoughts on “Friendly Friday Photo Challenge: Working Together

  1. Forestwood says:

    I love that you found a way to participate in the challenge, Moon. I can see that it tested you! I think you absolutely hit the mark with the cars outside. Everyone complying with Covid directives! Well done! You have a great community. Some complainers will always complain about any kind of restrictions. These people are perhaps nihilists who do not want anyone telling them what to do. Why are they so angry at a short term convenience that might save a life?

    Liked by 1 person

    • acacophonouslife says:

      Thank you Amanda! Exactly…this is a temporary inconvenience but people are outraged at the closings and lockdowns in place. We are all waiting for it to be over for good and no more loss of life and staying indoors is a small price to pay for such a catastrophic calamity that the whole world is in. Stay safe<3<3

      Liked by 1 person

    • acacophonouslife says:

      Hi Amanda, I wanted to give you an update. I will be signing off of WordPress for now. I have not been able to commit myself whole heartedly and doing anything less than that is not in my nature. It has been bothering me for some time now and while it hurts me to stop now, I think this is the best decision for the moment. I hope to be back some day again and when I am, I will surely look you up. And I am hoping you will remember me . You, Snow and Manja have been sources of constant inspiration and encouragement and I am grateful that our paths crossed. I will be missing your inspiring posts and FFPC for sure😔You have been so amazing… I cannot event begin to express❤️ I wish you all the best and hope to catch up one day soon. I do have your email address and you have mine. I can always be reached at that😊 Thank you for everything.💖💖

      Liked by 1 person

      • Forestwood says:

        Oh Moon, I am so sorry to see you go. I do hope you haven’t lost faith in blogging completely. I do understand that sometimes you have to step away when the time isn’t right. And you have young children so your priority must be for them. I have had blogging breaks too, but if a blog is not right for you, it is not right and you must follow your heart and instinct. I will miss you. Please do keep in touch via email. OR pop in to my blog if you feel up to it. I do hope everything is okay?

        Liked by 1 person

      • acacophonouslife says:

        Thank you, Amanda…. everything is okay. It feels a little overwhelming at the moment. There is so much I want to write, take photos of but I have been hard pressed to find some time where I can do all of that calmly. I had thought about deleting the account permanently but may not do that… will keep the account open but I will not be active. That way when I have a better grip on everything that is going on at the moment , I can come back to where I had left and have the memories of the wonderful interactions with all of you I have had over these last 2 years! Your blog will certainly see me popping in… your thoughts provide so much inspiration ❤️❤️Take care, my friend…I am beyond grateful for having known you and I am not going to let that just slip by! You will be seeing me again…after bit of a break!


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