Friendly Friday Photo Challenge: Secrets


Who doesn’t love a secret, especially the getting to know it;) We all grew up guarding secrets revolving around our ‘crushes’. Don’t tell me that it was otherwise for you! They are innocent and fun, for the most part. And then as we keep on moving ahead in our lives, secrets probably take on a different form and while being harmless, they maybe lose the component of innocence. Have you ever wondered what makes us keep secrets in our daily lives? This post made me curious and I looked up a few articles online, (this one was quite comprehensive and now I am even more intrigued! Anyways…this post is not about serious secret keeping and so I am moving on to the fun part!

I was thinking  a bit about what to post when I  checked my phone in the morning for this week’s prompt but that got cut by the clock telling me to get school lunch ready. And then, something  strange happened. Something that can be called a stroke of serendipity. Do you believe in it?

The good man has taken up a few cleaning projects around the house recently since we seem to be running out of space, almost everywhere. This morning was the same and he found  a bag full of stuff, some of which were head scratching (for instance a tiny key on a shoe shaped key chain I have no memory of buying ever!) while some put a big smile on my face. And gave me the idea of what I could share with you.


duluth 254-Original


This is the same photo that is the icon on this site and was taken 10 years ago in a place that is very close to my heart. It is one of my favorite photos and makes me glad to be able to post it today. Can you tell what secret this photo holds? I would really love to hear.

Thank you Snow for this very intriguing, and at the same time a thoughtful prompt:) The Friendly Friday Photo Challenge has surely become a thing very close to my heart!


Thanks for stopping by and let serendipity find you!




5 thoughts on “Friendly Friday Photo Challenge: Secrets

    • acacophonouslife says:

      I wish…that would be so cool!!
      For the past part- It is from a time when I was fresh off the boat here- a newly wed and a new grad student as well. It was a struggling life and we were getting to know each other bit by bit. This photo was taken in a place very close to my heart,( in Duluth, Minnesota) and I took this as a reminder that to build anything, big or small, we need to start with a piece and along the way, keep adding to give shape to what we had envisioned. These otherwise plain pebbles had formed a beautiful shoreline and it just made me think along those lines.
      For the present part- Life is still a work in progress (I guess it always is!) and in these ten years we have build a life we had partly envisioned at that point. there is still a long way to go and I hope we are able to keep building on the first pebble.
      That is also a reason I had chosen this photo as the icon for this site- another chapter in my life, one that helped me come out of my comfort zone and also explore my love for photography. That’s the inspiration behind the name-bitsandpieces and also the tagline-a matter of memories.
      So, the picture kind of ties the past and the present for me.
      And finally- the thing that my husband brought out this morning while cleaning was a tiny box of the pebbles, the same ones I had collected from this shore!
      I have a big box of items that have a special memory attached and it has stuff like receipts of special dinners for celebrating important events, memorabilia from visits to places, letters from classmates when we were 10, letters from former students in japan, the broken door handle of our first car etc etc. That’s another thing that relates to this post as well- a secret about myself- i am a huge collector of such things! And I am glad that my husband found the box of pebbles:)

      Liked by 2 people

  1. The Snow Melts Somewhere says:

    What a story, Moon! (Just read your response to Amanda!) I would not have guesses, though I knew it must be meaningful. The pebbles are so smooth and harmonious, perfect little building blocks and something to hold onto as a comforter. Thank you so much for taking part and I’m happy to see you’ve become a regular! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tanja says:

    I love collecting things that remind of some important events in my life too, they don’t have to be really important, sometimes it’s the little happy things that I like to treasure #friendlyfriday

    Liked by 1 person

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